Be conscious of your associations. Rightly or wrongly, people will judge you by the company you keep.
If you have worked to build in others a confidence in your integrity, your abilities, your understanding, and your kindness, be careful not to damage that confidence through the absentminded or indiscriminate interaction with or association to those that might not themselves demonstrate the same concern and diligence you have cared enough to cultivate.
Such dubious associations need not be confined to the material world to foment pernicious or even devastating repercussions. In this age of instantaneous virtual interaction, in the eyes of many, if it’s on the Internet, it MUST be true. We now live in a world where, to one degree or another, everyone finds themselves in a glaring spotlight.
Even the very best work you do will no doubt be questioned by some, challenged or outright discredited by others, based in no small part on the associations you have or the attendant views you advance. Don’t give the cynics and naysayers more fuel for their spiteful fires by handing over to them the very materials which they will use to immolate you.
The most universally regarded currency we share in our relationships with others, whether they be close at hand or half-way around the world, is the reputation that precedes us. Our credibility is both our cachet and our cash; if your credibility is important to you, you would be wise to guard it jealously. Nothing is worth a needless and easily avoidable aspersion to one’s good name.
It is never in poor form to take the high road. It is never questionable to demonstrate manners and decorum. It is never suspect to repudiate distractions and focus on that which matters. It is always wise to think before acting.
Remember: the world is watching.
©Billy Red Horse