With each passing day our society becomes ever more homogeneous. This continues to happen because of the diminishing value placed on the individual. Those in positions of authority, the elected and the influencers, the mandarins and the mass market industrialists who masquerade as capitalists, each share the same preferences: they like predictable, measurable, and controllable. Consequently, everyone is expected to fit in and follow, to conform and consume, to comply or suffer that greatest of indignities – the shame of being ostracized and labeled a dissenter.
The puissant take our inherent desire to be a valued member of the tribe and twist it in the extreme, turning a great strength into a corrosive weakness. Our legitimate interconnectedness with one another and with Nature is corrupted into something most un-natural. “We know what’s best for you,” they suggest. And while few of these overseers are ever so bold as to express the sentiment explicitly, the undercurrent of their implication is clear: “We want you to do what WE want you to do; don’t you understand that you are too stupid to know or do any better for yourselves?”
It is a sad verity that we have long since become interchangeable and easily replaceable cogs in a soulless machine. It should come as no surprise that the politicos and the plutocrats find this very much to their liking. But it does not have to remain this way.
It has long been said that our greatest challenge and our greatest reward are both experienced through knowing the Self. Self-awareness, Self-inquiry, Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, and Self-refinement, these are the marks of the courageous spirit not willing to be counted among the untold faceless.
The Self-aware seek to discover who they are and to experience the fullness of Life – the joys and the hardships and all points in between. These individuals strive to be at ease not only within themselves but also among the collective. Those who are confident and comfortable in their sovereignty as an individual are those who make the powerbrokers and the mob most anxious and uncomfortable.
The greatest act of rebellion is to proclaim “This is who I am! This is me!”
Who are you?…
©Billy Red Horse